Download free gotham knights visionary pack
Download free gotham knights visionary pack

download free gotham knights visionary pack

Though there isn't any story content or additional missions up for grabs, there is technically DLC up for purchase for Gotham Knights. Interactive Entertainment Will Gotham Knights Get DLC? Players are wondering whether the game will get DLC to further the story. Red Hood is one of the more action-oriented heroes of Gotham Knights who uses a firearm in combat. If you've completed Gotham Knights and you think it's about time you heard more about additional content coming down the pipeline, we've got some food for thought about Gotham Knights DLC to chew on right here. There could be additional cases where players take on the role of Batman before his supposed passing, or even those that flesh out what Gotham's gallery of baddies might be doing while the Knights are out cleaning up the streets. It's not a live service title and co-op is limited to completing the game's main story beats together, but additional downloadable content could mean more for players to do as they make their way through Gotham City post-Batman. Still, fans are so enamored with the game that they're wondering whether or not they'll see more coming to Gotham Knights in the way of DLC (downloadable content). But the main storyline is extensive enough, with plenty to see and do-and a campaign that's lengthy enough without adding new content. With Batman out of the picture, the city is a dangerous one, and you never know what new threat is going to pop out of the woodwork. Bat-fans have been working to make Gotham a much safer place ever since Gotham Knights debuted.

Download free gotham knights visionary pack